We have collected all the frequently asked questions.
If you didn’t find your question just contact us.
What is Well Central?
Well Central is a self-directed, web-based online channel with interactive courses that empower individuals to take control of their recovery and well-being.
The Well-being Course is suitable for people...
- dealing with everyday life struggles
- living with mental health challenges
- living with mental illness
- dealing with addiction issues
What is the Well-being Course?
The Well-being Course is an innovative, online learning experience designed to assist people achieve greater levels of mental health, well-being and life satisfaction. The Well-being Course has been developed by the Canadian Mental Health Association.
What makes the Well-being Course unique is that it is based on current research and is co-produced with people who have lived experience of mental health and addictions challenges. This means that information and helpful strategies are introduced to the learner in ways that can be readily applied to real everyday life.
What about the other courses on Well Central?
Who can benefit from the
Well-being Course?
This course is designed to help adults overcome common challenges in life and guide them forward on a journey toward improved well-being. The Well-being Course supports the learner’s development of both knowledge and skills.
The Well-being Course is suitable for people…
dealing with everyday
life struggles
living with mental health
living with
mental illness
dealing with
addiction issues
…and who want to improve their mental health and well-being.
If you are dealing with the following struggles in your life,
this course is a fit for you.
– Feeling overwhelmed
– Stressed
– Struggling with burnout
– Feeling anxious
– Low mood
– Mental health challenges
– Trouble with relationships
– Poor self-esteem
– Negative thinking
– Life transition
– Recovering from addictions
– Health concerns
And, the Well-being Course is suitable for you if you want
more of the following in your life.
– Positive mental health
– Sense of Well-Being
– Self-awareness
– Positive self-esteem
– Optimism about life
– Problem-solving skills
– Coping skills
– Ability to manage emotions
– Healthy relationships
– Meaningful connections
– Meaning and purpose
– Energy and vitality
Who can support me on my
Well-being journey?
The Well-being Course is not intended to replace therapy or treatment; however, you may decide to take the course while you receive therapy or treatment. We encourage you to talk with your healthcare provider about the course and its suitability for you.
It may be helpful to have a support person, such as a family member or friend, available to you while taking the course. You can talk to them about what you are learning. This person could provide encouragement and feedback.
How will I know if this course
is a fit for me?
The main goal of the Well-being Course is to enhance your positive mental health and Well-being, which is something that we all can benefit from, no matter our circumstances in life.
You are in charge of your own learning journey.
We all have strengths and abilities, but when we are struggling with life’s challenges it can be difficult to see and use those strengths. The Well-being Course builds on the knowledge, skills and strengths you already have and expands your capacity for living well.
The Well-being Course guides you every step of the way along a path of discovery, where you gain information, skills and supports to be your best self.
For example, the Well-being Course could be helpful for David and Amy.
David is feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. When several of David’s colleagues retired, the company never replaced them so David has had to pick up the slack. He used to enjoy his work but now he’s not sleeping well, feels stressed and irritable most of the time and recently his doctor started treating him for high blood pressure. David feels like he’s trapped most days, barely able to keep his head above water. His family is concerned about him but he doesn’t see what he can do to make things better. David has been having a drink or two more than usual but after he feels worse. The clinic where he goes has recommended he take the Well-being Course. He doesn’t see how he’ll find the time but something has to change so he agrees to give it a try.
Amy loves learning about child care at her community college program but with her son’s asthma frequently flaring up it’s been very challenging to care for him and keep up with her school work and everything else. Now her mother needs help to move; it’s just getting out of hand. Amy feels like there is no time to care for her own needs and it’s starting to show in her poor marks, short temper, and fast-food meals. A counsellor at the college has suggested that Amy start the Well-Being Course. At first she couldn’t believe that the counsellor wanted to ‘add’ something to her plate but her sister encouraged her to view this small chunk of time as a way to build some much needed self-care into her life. She is starting to experience really bad anxiety again so she decides to give it a try.
What topics does this
course cover?
The Well-being Course covers a range of topics and includes 8 modules. You will develop your own personalized Learning Plan and will learn at your own pace.
Module 1
Module 2
Physical Well-being
Module 3
Social Well-being
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7
Module 8
How long does it take to
complete the course?
Each module takes approximately 30 minutes or less to complete. We suggest completing one module per week. This will allow for time for you to reflect on your learning, practice the activities and strategies and share your experience with others, all factors we know will support positive change in your life. This is a guide and you can complete the course at your own pace in a flexible way.
We know your time is valuable and may be in short supply. The Well-being Course aims to help you begin to experience positive changes in a matter of a few weeks. We also include quick tips that provide in the moment relief and results.
What is the Well-being
Course like?
The Well-being Course introduces you to new information in bite-sized, manageable pieces. The Course includes a variety of activities to keep your learning interesting.
Practical resources and tools such as handy tip sheets and websites where you can find more information on the topics are also provided.
There are no pass or fail tests. The Well-being Course engages the learner in activities to make the topics meaningful; these are for your own use and benefit.
How will I know if the course
has helped me?
At the beginning of the Well-being Course, you will complete a brief Well-being Questionnaire. After completion of the course you will complete the questionnaire a second time, which will help you see if the course has supported positive change in your life. Of course we also anticipate that you will notice changes to your Well-being.
Will I get a certificate when
I finish the course?
Once you have completed all 8 modules of the course and the course evaluation, you will be able to print a Certificate of Completion for the Well-being Course
We wish you all the best on your exciting Well-being learning journey!
We have collected all the frequently asked questions.
If you didn’t find your question just contact us.
- dealing with everyday life struggles
- living with mental health challenges
- living with mental illness
- dealing with addiction issues
The Well-Being Course is an innovative, online learning experience designed to assist people achieve greater levels of mental health, well-Being and life satisfaction. The Well-Being Course has been developed by the Canadian Mental Health Association.
What makes the Well-Being Course unique is that it is based on current research and is co-produced with people who have lived experience of mental health and addictions challenges. This means that information and helpful strategies are introduced to the learner in ways that can be readily applied to real everyday life.
We are in the process of adding new courses to Well Central. You can access these additional courses at any time once you have created your Well Central profile. You can also go back and revisit any course or part of a course that you like at any time. We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to complete the survey at the end of each course or contact us at [email protected].
The Well-Being Course is not intended to replace therapy or treatment; however, you may decide to take the course while you receive therapy or treatment. We encourage you to talk with your healthcare provider about the course and its suitability for you.
It may be helpful to have a support person, such as a family member or friend, available to you while taking the course. You can talk to them about what you are learning. This person could provide encouragement and feedback.
The main goal of the Well-Being Course is to enhance your positive mental health and Well-Being, which is something that we all can benefit from, no matter our circumstances in life.
You are in charge of your own learning journey.
We all have strengths and abilities, but when we are struggling with life’s challenges it can be difficult to see and use those strengths. The Well-Being Course builds on the knowledge, skills and strengths you already have and expands your capacity for living well.
The Well-Being Course guides you every step of the way along a path of discovery, where you gain information, skills and supports to be your best self.
For example, the Well-Being Course could be helpful for David and Amy.
David is feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. When several of David’s colleagues retired, the company never replaced them so David has had to pick up the slack. He used to enjoy his work but now he’s not sleeping well, feels stressed and irritable most of the time and recently his doctor started treating him for high blood pressure. David feels like he’s trapped most days, barely able to keep his head above water. His family is concerned about him but he doesn’t see what he can do to make things better. David has been having a drink or two more than usual but after he feels worse. The clinic where he goes has recommended he take the Well-Being Course. He doesn’t see how he’ll find the time but something has to change so he agrees to give it a try.
Amy loves learning about child care at her community college program but with her son’s asthma frequently flaring up it’s been very challenging to care for him and keep up with her school work and everything else. Now her mother needs help to move; it’s just getting out of hand. Amy feels like there is no time to care for her own needs and it’s starting to show in her poor marks, short temper, and fast-food meals. A counsellor at the college has suggested that Amy start the Well-Being Course. At first she couldn’t believe that the counsellor wanted to ‘add’ something to her plate but her sister encouraged her to view this small chunk of time as a way to build some much needed self-care into her life. She is starting to experience really bad anxiety again so she decides to give it a try.
Module 1
Welcome to the Well-Being Course
Module 2
Taking the first steps – Physical Well-Being
Module 3
Support on the journey – Social Well-Being
Module 4
A mindset that supports Well-Being – Cognitive Well-Being
Module 5
Highs and lows of the journey – Emotional Well-Being
Module 6
The core of Well-Being – Meaning and purpose
Module 7
The big picture – Environmental Well-Being
Module 8
The Well-Being journey continues
Each module takes approximately 30 minutes or less to complete. We suggest completing one module per week. This will allow for time for you to reflect on your learning, practice the activities and strategies and share your experience with others, all factors we know will support positive change in your life. This is a guide and you can complete the course at your own pace in a flexible way.
We know your time is valuable and may be in short supply. The Well-Being Course aims to help you begin to experience positive changes in a matter of a few weeks. We also include quick tips that provide in the moment relief and results.
The Well-Being Course introduces you to new information in bite-sized, manageable pieces. The Course includes a variety of activities to keep your learning interesting.
Practical resources and tools such as handy tip sheets and websites where you can find more information on the topics are also provided.
There are no pass or fail tests. The Well-Being Course engages the learner in activities to make the topics meaningful; these are for your own use and benefit.
At the beginning of the Well-Being Course, you will complete a brief Well-Being Questionnaire. After completion of the course you will complete the questionnaire a second time, which will help you see if the course has supported positive change in your life. Of course we also anticipate that you will notice changes to your Well-Being.
Once you have completed all 8 modules of the course and the course evaluation, you will be able to print a Certificate of Completion for the Well-Being Course
We wish you all the best on your exciting well-Being learning journey!