
Harness the Power
of Kindness to Yourself

Developing Self-Compassion

Oftentimes, when faced with mistakes and difficulties, our initial response is to be self-critical. We tend to question our capabilities and attack our weaknesses. This negatively affects our confidence and self-esteem.
Self-compassion is a gateway to freedom and power, hidden because of negative self-talk and disapproval. Developing Self-Compassion aims to help you practice kindness to yourself so you can replace judgement and fear with courage and peace.
“If one is cruel to himself, how can we expect him to be compassionate with others?”

Hasdai Ibn Shaprut
(10th Century Jewish Scholar)

com-pas-sion (noun) the feeling of concern for the suffering of others and the desire to alleviate this.
Synonyms: empathy, care, concern, tenderness, kindness, mercy, humanity
Self-compassion is to act with understanding and kindness towards yourself when you are having a difficult time, struggling, have experienced emotional pain, have failed at something, or notice something you do not like about yourself. It is to embrace ourselves, flaws and all.


Self-compassion doesn’t mean that we don’t take responsibility for our actions. Self-compassion helps us to acknowledge our experiences as human and helps move us past self-criticism and self-loathing.
Here are the modules that will guide you through a better understanding of self-compassion:
  1. What is self-compassion?
  2. Benefits of self-compassion
  3. Three parts of practicing self-compassion
  4. Develop a practice of self-compassion 
Through interactive content, engaging activities, and our participant forum, this course will encourage you to re-evaluate your inner voice and how you speak to yourself.
Like all other Well Central courses, you can take this at your own pace, however, we encourage you to pause and reflect on each module before moving forward.

You are not alone in this journey, we’re here to support you!

“Perhaps most importantly, having compassion for yourself means that you honor and accept your humanness.”

Kristin Neff

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